POWER OF PUSSY: August 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Church for the Unchurched

I went today with my daughter; here's what I learned:

The subject was "Isolation."
One can be in a relationship & yet be alone.
If this is happening to you, seek help immediately.

Here comes the message: True happiness is not real unless it is shared.

"Genesis: 2:18
It is not good for man to be alone. "

My difference is that right now,
I am the happiest ever I've been
in my whole adult life. I am alone
& I daresay, not lonely. In ref:
to the above statement, perhaps
it's because I am not a man. LOL
Now seriously
Man cannot survive & be wholly content without a mate. U do know
that they, indeed, are the
less-prominent of the two sexes.
Woman can nurture, serve, decide when to have sex, bake bread, wash
clothes down in the stream, be nice
.....Insert your own activities here.
I have done all kinds of shit
for the "current man of the hour" in the past.
For me it's too
much , but it seems for him, it is
never enough.
What I can I do to conform to the
unwritten laws of man?? How do
I conceal the fact that I'm a
controlling b I t c h. ??

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Here's the funniest thing I've ever been ASKED !!! (?)

After two weeks of " TOTAL Abandonment" I receive this email ????????

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Hardy
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 9:04 AM
To: sandyellenpatsy@aol.com
Subject: (no subject)

Will you have my baby? Joe
(what does this mean ?????????)

-----Original Message-----
From: sandyellenpatsy@aol.com
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 9:28 AM
To: Joe Hardy
Subject: RE: (no subject)

When do U want to start? Sandy

Monday, August 25, 2008

Click Banner to Search Inside My Book

Book review - Power Of Pussy

Book review - Power Of Pussy
August 20, 2008 | By valmg |

I love to read and have started reading more again lately. I’d seen the book Power Of Pussy by Sandy Patsy mentioned on someone else’s blog and was thrilled to receive a copy of the book to review myself. When some people take a quick glance at the cover and/or hear the title they might think this book is erotic fiction. It isn’t. It’s a journal of a woman’s insights into relationships and thoughts on the different views of man and woman, with some of her personal experiences of love, lust and sex mixed in.

Power Of Pussy is written unlike any other book I’ve ever read. The content of the book comes from documentation of free flowing thoughts, emails, memories of actual events and first person writing. Oh, and Ms. Patsy’s conversations with herself. We’ve all had them, some people just choose not to admit to it publicly. In this book Ms. Patsy holds nothing back, sharing her thoughts, feelings, confusion, pain and excitement with readers. There were times I found myself laughing and other times where I found myself nodding in agreement. The book is written in real words, often colorful. There is absolutely no beating around the bush, pun intended. My most favorite part is the”outline of a woman’s life” located right in the front of the book.

You can learn more about the book and the author on the book website and the author’s blog. I think that adult women, and men who really want to know some of the things that go in inside a woman’s head, would find this an interesting read. The book Power Of Pussy by Sandy Patsy is available for sale online at the Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Borders and Xlibris websites.


Sunday, August 24, 2008



Male lions generally leave hunting duties to the female members of the pride, helping out on occasion. Only when they are on their own do they demonstrate their hunting abilities.

"The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things."
- Jilly Cooper

Friday, August 22, 2008


I am giving a Power of Pussy eBook download monthly so get your entry in for August !

Also included will be a beautiful roaring Lion pin to give to your very own Lion King.

To enter for your chance at a free download of Power of Pussy eBook and a Lion pin, please comment on this blog or myspace blog MySpace SANDY PATSY
All comments will go into the hat, so the more you comment, the better your chances to win.
It would be fun to hear about your very own Lion King but all comments are welcome !

Is he the king of your household? Who decides
about the large purchases? Who initiates sex...
what per cent of the time, is it you ?

U know what, the meaning of "Lion King" has CHANGED for me.
What I've learned from Peter Straat is that sex has to have
a little mystique. The Lion King part comes in when you
bring him a water & a bowl of popcorn. It has to do with

So, I will have the winner's address for your Lion Pin, email your comment and name and address tosandyellenpatsy@aol.com - put LION KING in subject line

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thinking it over........................

In thinking about the "He did call," good news post,
is it that I can't stand it when things DO go right ?
After the fun date on Saturday, he EVEN did
an unheard of follow-up call on Sunday afternoon.
It's perfect. Now I don't think I'm as enamoured
with him as I was; however, if he HAD NOT called,
I'd be madly in love with him. Is it crazy, or what?

If you've had a similar experience with your feelings
of high anxiety, huge pleasure, then ....a....whatever,
please let me hear from you.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What I wore on my big dinner date ????

What I wore on my big dinner date ????
And it's an excellent question since I am
so affected by His presentation of Himself
by how He camoflouges his personage.
Just call me Shallow San.

To enhance my pretty good physique for a
young old lady, I selected my most painful
bra with the best push up enhancement. I only
had to readjust it twice over the course of the evening
to keep that underwire from creeping up over its line of
demarcation. Next the panties had to be low enough
so as not to stick out of my Wal Mart jeans. He
had told me the previous Saturday night dinner, he got
his jeans at Wal Mart because when he went on a trip,
he'd just leave them behind. I like it. You know how you
hate your dirty clothes in the suitcase when you get home.
Plain black tightish top I wore under a gold short shiny jacket with
big rhinestone buttons with a little flounce. I had to wear t-strap
high heels because the previous Sat., he said I was short in my
flip flops. I totally dressed for him. Then he wears that shitty shirt
with bugs or something on it.

The problem was I got hot (temperature wise) in my cutesy jacket
so I had to balance it on the back of my chair because it was slick.
I finally gave up & let it fall on the floor...like I could discard it; which,
of course, I could not. It has a matching skirt !!!

Ahhh, the trials & tribulations of trying to dress perfectly when all
that matters, really, is that I feel good about myself.




THE SON OF A BITCH was flirting with a waitress that he had know for years right in front of me.
I mean prolonged eye contact AND TOUCH when he put the tip of his finger in the pocket of her front apron.

I immediately thought "IT'S OVER !!!!!!!!!"
I knew it was OVER !!!!

He was unaware that I saw the placement of his finger tip until LATER when I blew up.
He did not realize.
Indeed HE had no idea that I had seen him.
Women out there - can you stand it ?
Can you relate ???

Does he really think I was completely unaware of it ???
Does he think I am that naive ?
Or worse, does he think I am STUPID ?


It is a test.

Does he think I will put up with it ???

The next week, a male friend at work patiently explained that it was a MAN THING to be able to be dominant over a woman and PERFECTLY NATURAL, how compelling a woman's total service and devotion could be.

Men stick together.

If only in their dreams..............

Hearing this, although questioning it in my own mind, it removed some of the sting I felt, but it still pisses me off to think of it.

Think of the millions of Chinese servant girls who accomodated their masters over the centuries, submitting because it was required. Bound feet and all.
Think of Stepford wives. Is that really want men want after all ?
Wouldn't that get boring ?
I guess not.

A man needs to feel totally dominant over a SERVANT woman ?
It is bullshit for sure. Grow the fuck up ! PLEASE !!!!!!

In the next 10 days I kept my composure and DID NOT CALL HIM.

If he wants me, HE WILL CALL.

Call a friend, call your sister, call your brother, call your cousin, call Time of Day and Temperature, call anyone or anything but him !!!
Call 411, call 900 numbers, press 2 for Spanish.
Too bad they got rid of the physic hotlines. That was a good one to call.

He has to want you enough to call you.
Just don't do it - as hard, as agonizing as it is - DON'T CALL !

If he never calls what have you lost ?

It's been 10 days.
He has not called.

To be continued ........

page 40

Now, here's something good:

" HE DID CALL !!!!!!

Is being patient the key? Patience is what I have none of;
especially when it comes to capturing a mate. Now I am NOT looking
for a mate. My mating days are over, but NOT the act of
mating. I still love that......I think.

Anyway, after the First Real date with the new man, I am not so
inclined to brave getting naked. Not for a L O N G, L O N G time.
I didn't like the shirt he wore and he has no butt. Nice calves, though.
His (pretty good) jeans were straining over his massive lower legs.

Before dinner at the Japanese Steak House, we each had a teeny
carafe of sake. O M G. Soooo we're chatting away with the couple
next to us at the hibachi table.
The waitress is coming & going with water, tea, drinks
for everyone else. Our heads were spinning. Joe finally leans over
& very quietly in almost a whisper goes, "ahh uhhh, have we ordered yet?"
It was so endearing. It seemed like we'd been sitting there for hours.

Incidentally, this Joe happens to be the owner of the cafe where Peter
and I had our horrible waitress encounter that's in P.O.P. Unbelievably
small, small world.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Maybe this is all there is:

"When is enough enough? Enough Money?
Enough Power? Let's see....Money? / Power?
Power? / Money?

How 'bout you guys out there vote....
All those for "power" Vote Power
All those for "money" Vote Money

Results will be posted when we have enough
of you sticking your toes in the power/money pond.

The "old" comment I made to the new man, the Doctor says,

The "old" comment I made to the new man, Doctor Tao said,
was mean nice. After not seeing this man at all for years and years (and then both of us were married) - running into him at a party, the "old" comment was....after I hollered his name...."JOE HAARDY"
he hollered back with the same enthusiasm...SANDY PATSY!!
I IMMEDIATELY noticed he had a gold chain around his neck with a diamond-studded
tennis shoe. Apparently he had gotten it for running the New York
marathon several years ago, which I had forgotten. So now he's closer
and I say in my
normal voice: "You had that stupid necklace on the last time I saw you."

The best thing about that comment was that he didn't flinch and came
back at me with, "The last time I saw you, I wanted to see you naked."
We both roared. We left when the band started to play so loudly that
we were inaudible to each other. He took me to dinner & liked it that
I got out my credit
card when the check came. He noted that his previous girlfriend
didn't even feign
the act of paying. He, therefore, thought, I would not be after his
money. We had laughed a lot over our drinks. When the evening
ended, he asked for a hug, which was very sweet. We exchanged
business cards. That was it.

On Monday, I receive an email from him "And thanking you for a
wonderful evening. Joe Hardy."
I sent back, "And thanking you for a fabulous evening. Now it's
my turn to put out (I should have stopped there) the plastic credit card.
Sandy Patsy."
What is it that I expect here at the end of the week with no phone call?
You've guessed it:::: A phone call.

My Dr. Tao deemed my "mean nice" remark about his necklace a put-off.
Was it really?
Why hasn't he called? I ask you, who is being mean now?
He never said he would call. Why should I expect it...because I
thought I was beautiful & entertaining?
The beautiful part was his word. He said it twice.
I need to hear from you girls out there...why hasn't he called???

(In P.O. P. I describe the not-calling affliction...how it becomes
an act of suffering on our part.) It starts in my excerpt about THE WAITRESS !

To follow up on yesterday,

To follow up on yesterday, here's the question of the
day....Do we need to rid ourselves of the 'mean' to meet and keep
a man ?????
I'm thinking I do, but I am the most inexperienced of all
of you. My friend "Fran" (let's call her), is light
years ahead of me in terms of figuring out where the
object of our affection is coming from. She's done all
of the suffering 30 years ago that I am doing today.
Some of my concerns she scoffs at because she absolutely
CANNOT believe how I could be sooo ignorant.
Is there an instruction manual for figuring out the universe?

When I wrote P.O.P., I was just then becoming
acquainted with MYSELF, which came last, of course. We usually do
ourselves last, even in bed. The error of my way was concentrating
on the stupid Peter; trying to figure out his every word-usage or thought.
That was fruitless. He never meant what he said and he never had an
original thought. In fact, he NEVER had a thought at all. WHAT WAS

Friday, August 15, 2008

So, Dear Hearts,

"So, Dear Hearts, after this week's appointment
with my Acupuncturist/Therapist, the world has changed.
Have you all noticed this happens every day? Every day.
Every day and everyday. We live in the fastest information
age than ever before in history. Every day goes faster than
the day before. How does one keep up? I think I have one
thing covered, then sure enough, something else becomes
uncorked. Even Judge Judy is on her last nerve. She gets
meaner every day, but I do so adore her. She tells people
to quit having kids; take care of the kids one has; dump
this loser; or dump that user. She tells it like it is !
Dear dear Dr. Tao, his world's been rocked by this little
lady he's going to fly here from Thailand. (My mistake;
I thought it was China) If she makes it, he will reimburse
her for the cost of her plane ticket. I dunno-is that OK ?

Now on to me & my "budding" relationship; LOL...one date
does not a relationship make, but you know how we
women contrive the future. Let's see....what will my friends
think of the way he's dressed? Oh, it's not them that care,
it's me. What, the Needle Doctor advises me, do everything
to be confident within myself. Forget about anything else
to make sure I am projecting the way I want to be seen.
The "old" comment I made to the new man, the Doctor says,
was mean nice. Well, that describes my word choices being
in error. Ya think I should get rid of the Mean? That's my
charge until I get more next week. Do any of you have that
little mean streak that needs to be outed ????Photobucket

Thursday, August 14, 2008

SANDY PATSY SAYS...............

My favorite part of the book is the worst memory of Peter's
wandering eye. It's the waitress story. In my gut, on that day,
I knew Peter & I would never stay together. I felt so ill, I wanted
to throw up. After that, every time we went out, I would immediately
scan the room for the woman I thought he'd choose to stare at. It
was sick, and I always felt sick. It was my unplanned weight-loss plan.
And yet, I did this for two more years. Why can smart women be
such idiots?
The reason this worst memory is my favorite part is that I want to
remember how awful I felt, the lesson, so I will never be with the same kind of
man again. All I have to do is dredge up the sight of Peter stuffing his
monetary tip into the front pocket of the waitress's apron as I
turned to see what I wasn't supposed to see. That feeling of
anguished horror floods over me to this day if I have to think
about that waitress encounter.
It will be awhile before I ever forget it.
A lesson - although painful - well learned.

Monday, August 11, 2008

NEW AUTHORISLAND CONTEST Win This Beautiful Necklace !

From the intimate thoughts and pen of author Sandy Patsy comes a controversial journal that records her mind-boggling account of the lust-driven relationship she had at age 60 with Peter Straat and how it opened her eyes to the power all women have.
To celebrate the fabulous reviews her book, POWER OF PUSSY, has gotten, Sandy is offering a wonderful prize package exclusively for AuthorIsland.com readers. An autographed copy of her book, a fun pussy cat bookmark, a beautiful necklace, and a sweet collectible ty kitty cat!
To enter for your chance at this great prize package, simply head over to Sandy's MySpace Page and read her Waitress Excerpt (you'll find in her blog postings at the top right) to find out how many days went by without a call from her lover. And if you have a MySpace account, be her friend and leave her a comment.
Email Sandy your answer to


with AuthorIsland contest in the subject line. And please include your shipping address in case yours is the name that comes out of the hat on September 30th.

Good Luck!

Sunday, August 10, 2008



THE SON OF A BITCH was flirting with a waitress that he had know for years right in front of me.
I mean prolonged eye contact AND TOUCH when he put the tip of his finger in the pocket of her front apron.

I immediately thought "IT'S OVER !!!!!!!!!"
I knew it was OVER !!!!

He was unaware that I saw the placement of his finger tip until LATER when I blew up.
He did not realize.
Indeed HE had no idea that I had seen him.
Women out there - can you stand it ?
Can you relate ???

Does he really think I was completely unaware of it ???
Does he think I am that naive ?
Or worse, does he think I am STUPID ?


It is a test.

Does he think I will put up with it ???

The next week, a male friend at work patiently explained that it was a MAN THING to be able to be dominant over a woman and PERFECTLY NATURAL, how compelling a woman's total service and devotion could be.

Men stick together.

If only in their dreams..............

Hearing this, although questioning it in my own mind, it removed some of the sting I felt, but it still pisses me off to think of it.

Think of the millions of Chinese servant girls who accomodated their masters over the centuries, submitting because it was required. Bound feet and all.
Think of Stepford wives. Is that really want men want after all ?
Wouldn't that get boring ?
I guess not.

A man needs to feel totally dominant over a SERVANT woman ?
It is bullshit for sure. Grow the fuck up ! PLEASE !!!!!!

In the next 10 days I kept my composure and DID NOT CALL HIM.

If he wants me, HE WILL CALL.

Call a friend, call your sister, call your brother, call your cousin, call Time of Day and Temperature, call anyone or anything but him !!!
Call 411, call 900 numbers, press 2 for Spanish.
Too bad they got rid of the physic hotlines. That was a good one to call.

He has to want you enough to call you.
Just don't do it - as hard, as agonizing as it is - DON'T CALL !

If he never calls what have you lost ?

It's been 10 days.
He has not called.

To be continued ........

page 40


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Power of Pussy Blog has been Awarded !


OK... My blog has been awarded this beautiful AWARD by ONE of my very best friends.
Amy of Park-Avenue Princess
Her blog is first on my daily stops. Make it yours too. Be kind and leave her a comment! Amy is and has been in the hospital and will be for months and I would appreciate so much your visit to her !!! THANK YOU !!!

Now, the rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.

I will be posting my Nominations ASAP!!

Friday, August 1, 2008


I am giving a Power of Pussy eBook download monthly so get your entry in for August !

Also included will be a beautiful roaring Lion pin to give to your very own Lion King.

To enter for your chance at a free download of Power of Pussy eBook and a Lion pin, please comment on this blog or myspace blog MySpace SANDY PATSY
All comments will go into the hat, so the more you comment, the better your chances to win.
It would be fun to hear about your very own Lion King but all comments are welcome !

Is he the king of your household? Who decides
about the large purchases? Who initiates sex...
what per cent of the time, is it you ?

U know what, the meaning of "Lion King" has CHANGED for me.
What I've learned from Peter Straat is that sex has to have
a little mystique. The Lion King part comes in when you
bring him a water & a bowl of popcorn. It has to do with

So, I will have the winner's address for your Lion Pin, email your comment and name and address tosandyellenpatsy@aol.com - put LION KING in subject line