Man, I have been at it this morning trying to research high and low what to do financially immediately and how to plan for such an uncertain future.
Now that we are stuck with the bailout, I would like to ask for comments today on how you think the bailout will affect you and your current lifestyle.
It is the hot topic on everyone's mind.
I for one am going outside to play in my garden since I have been glued to my tv for the past two weeks straight. Past time for some fresh air and sunshine. I will check back periodically and hope to have a good chat maybe tonight with those of you that emailed that you work during the week.
Til then, leave your comment and come back around 6pm EST and enjoy your day!!! The powers that be will not win this fight !!!!
At least not for awhile.
Also if you would like to write a review of POWER OF PUSSY, the first email I receive today with a promise to write one will receive an eBook emailed right to you.