Thursday, July 10, 2008


POWER OF PUSSY by Sandy Patsy


"This book is NOT for the faint of word usage.
Author Sandy Patsy has a funny way of describing
her true life with Peter Straat in a decidedly graphic
journal. Not a detail has been spared. You may
be forced to read it all in one night. The best
part about this book is....... the humor and the advice you will get
from what Sandy Patsy has to say about herself and her
undeniable talent for translating her terrible situation
into self-help hints and a guide for the reader.
She has given readers a gift; the rare gift of herself.
In fact, many a female will see herself in the
"Call or not to call" episodes. It really is LOL.
If you can take it & learn from her
mistakes, you will get ahead in your (if you have a)
trouble-some relationship. And OMG, who hasn't ?????

Her grand daughter's delightful poem appears early in
the book. It's way out of character, but applicable as
you read on. What does it mean? You will have to
figure it out for yourself; as her story unfolds.
It may cause you to do
in-depth self-examination. Again, this book is NOT
for the average woman who accepts her fantastic but impossible -to -be- fixed relationship. We all think we won't make the same mistakes again, but oft times, sadly we do. It may actually change your life....if
you let it. Feel and experience the emotion of the ultimate Power of Pussy
in this moving true life struggle to find answers.


At July 10, 2008 at 11:48 AM , Blogger orelukjp0 said...

Congrats on the great review. I also wanted to say Aloha from AuthorIsland.

At July 10, 2008 at 5:52 PM , Blogger Donna said...

Aloha from AuthorIsland

At July 10, 2008 at 6:49 PM , Blogger Dina said...

Nice review and interview.

Aloha from AuthorIsland too. :)

At July 10, 2008 at 11:58 PM , Blogger windycindy said...

Hi Sandy! Your books contains a lot of beneficial psychological point that I view as very important. Thanks and Aloha from Author Island.....


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